Nintendo power of Sony and Microsoft

Nintendo power of Sony and Microsoft
Nintendo successful game console market power. Difference with competitors enough signifikan.Nintendo holiday season will be the end of 2008 with good news. According to GfK Australia, the independent market observer said that the Nintendo DS game console at this time sold more than 1.5 million units. News released by the press that Nintendo Australia said that own the console Nintendo DS console is the most in demand and able to achieve the sales numbers in the 194 was launched after sunday.

Similar to the DS, Nintendo Wii is also capable sold 750 thousand units during the 102 sunday sales. That makes Wii consoles into the fastest penetrate the sale figures.

In addition, Wii Music also appears to be one of the profitable business units for Nintendo, especially in Australia. Until 23 November 2008, Wii Music successfully sell more than 28 thousand copies songs.

In the game, Wii Fit continue to hold the highest sales for 12 consecutive sunday. Meanwhile ago sunday, sunday to 46 years in 2008, is a sunday where Wii record the highest weekly sales record, that is, as many as 35 thousand units.

How about the level of sales in the world? According to data collected VIVAnews from VGChartz, the United States, Japan and worldwide, Nintendo DS and Wii are relatively far away competitors.


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